3 axis joysticks – Terms You Need to Understand before Shopping for 3 axis joysticks

3 axis joysticks – Terms You Need to Understand before Shopping for 3 axis joysticks

3 axis joysticks can be used in gaming and in other industrial applications including moving security cameras. The market is filled with tons of these devices. Before you start shopping, it is good to start by understanding the basic terms. Understanding the following terms will keep you from being exploited the next time you are shopping for joysticks.


Top handle

The handle of the joystick will have a significant impact on your experience when using the device. Most joysticks will have a ball top or a bat top. Although most people feel the ball top works more intuitively, you have to test the two options to determine which one works best for you. The rule of thumb is to ensure that the handle of the 3 axis joysticks you end up picking are comfortable.



Tension is what determines the quickness of movement and the ability to hold them. The tension will be influenced by the spring that the joystick device has. The weight of the shaft will also have a part to play. The spring shouldn’t exert excess force on the shaft. You should be able to move the shaft without straining. Second, the spring should not be too light as that will reduce the tension which leads to errors because the device will respond to the slightest force, even the unintended one. The spring should be strong enough to prevent accidental movements while at the same time light enough to make it easy for you to use the 3 axis joysticks.



Deflection is the distance the joystick can move from its neutral position. A small deflection registers a different input from a larger deflection. Again, the spring in the device will determine the amount of deflection that a joystick has. The ideal deflection, on the other hand, will depend on what you want to use the joystick for.


Engage distance

The engage distance is the distance from the neutral the joystick needs to move in order for an input to be registered. The engage distance will be determined by the size of the dead zone. If the dead zone is small, the slightest motion will be registered as an engage distance. If the dead zone is big, you will have to move the joystick further in order for the action to be registered. the desired dead zone will again depend on what you want to use the 3 axis joysticks for.


Engage precision

The ideal joystick will rest precisely midway between the opposing directions when neutral. The lack of precision means the resting position will be off. This means the joystick direction will not be registered correctly. Engage precision is determined by the distribution of the spring as well as the straightness of the shaft. A small dead zone and a hard spring will lead to inaccuracies.


When buying the 3 axis joysticks, you have to consider the aforementioned points. You must also consider the reputation of the brand you are buying from as well as the durability of the device.


3 axis joysticks